About us: The TALOS AI4SSH Lab

ERA Chair in Artificial Intelligence for Humanities and Social Sciences

Project Strategy

“ERA Chairs support universities or research organisations […] to attract and maintain high-quality human resources under the direction of an outstanding researcher and research manager (the ‘ERA Chair holder’), and to implement structural changes to achieve excellence on a sustainable basis.” Horizon Europe 2021-2022.   Thanks to the generous funding by the European Commission (ERA Chairs HORIZON-WIDERA-2022-TALENTS-01), the University of Crete will enhance its capacity building in the field of Digital Humanities. A new Center of Excellence will be established in Rethymnon: TALOS, named after the ancient robot/guardian of Crete. The activities of the Center will be led by Professor Christophe Roche, who has committed to put his long standing experience in Artificial Intelligence and Digital Humanities to the service of the UoC for the duration of the project (2023-2028).   The Center will propose innovative curricula for the students of the Faculty of Philosophy of UoC, will organise conferences, workshops, colloquia, open courses and seminars for targeted groups (academic community, students of the UoC, girls, society at large), will attract highly talented researchers to the UoC and will foster collaborations with other Centers in Greece and abroad.

Take a look at a short video about TALOS Lab

Foundation of TALOS Lab and approval of its Operational Regulation –
Publication in the Official Greek Government Gazette (FEK 4617B/07-08-2024)
Extract from the Project Description in CORDIS, the EU platform that contains comprehensive information about EU Research & Development projects
Grant agreement ID: 101087269
DOI: 10.3030/101087269
logo EU Founded

Working Packages




Research Management









Meet the Team

The TALOS Centre team composed of a dynamic group of people who share the same vision, the chief members, the support team – made of faculty members and assistants – and the research team.

Our Vision

TALOS ERA Chair in AI for SSH will create and manage a new centre of excellence in explainable AI for SSH (Social Sciences and Humanities) that will interconnect several departments of UoC departments at Rethymnon (the Schools of Philosophy, Education and Social Sciences, coordinating department: Department of Philology) under a common research and teaching agenda.

Semantic technologies, such as Knowledge Graphs (KGs), are natively developed to be explainable. They are the modern implementations of Good old-fashioned Symbolic AI. TALOS will combine the strengths of neural networks with symbolic reasoning to create a scalable, sustainable and explainable  representation of knowledge in the Humanities and the Social Sciences.

TALOS ERA Chair will harness the power of AI systems that can learn from scholar’s annotations to add AI-enhanced data to the semantic layer of SSH Linked Open Data cloud.

Foster institutional reforms through research and teaching in the multidisciplinary area of AI for SSH.

Enhance the international visibility of the UCRC, grow networks, increase UoC success in international funding schemes, and lead to brain gain.

Attract and maintain an excellent team of researchers, scientists and scholars.

Address important research questions in hybrid (neurosymbolic) AI that drive innovation for SSH.

Create new open datasets and open-source tools for Digital Humanities and Social Sciences.

Disseminate new knowledge via conferences, workshops, articles, doctoral dissertations.

Focus on the vulgarization of new knowledge through global outreach initiatives.

Aims & Objectives

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