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New PhD students have joined TALOS
Three new PhD students have joined TALOS in April 2024; the doctoral proposals are subject to ratification by the relevant department assemblies. The successful candidates’ names will be released soon. One more position (PhD – RT2) will be filled by October 2024.
New PhD students have joined TALOS
Three new PhD students have joined TALOS in April 2024; the doctoral proposals are subject to ratification by the relevant department assemblies. The successful candidates’ names will be released soon. One more position (PhD – RT2) will be filled by October 2024.
Professor Laure Berti visited TALOS Centre
Professor Laure Berti (IRD, France) is the recipient of the first short mobility grant. Laure visited the TALOS project in May 2024. Materials of the training organized by Laure.
Professor Laure Berti visited TALOS Centre
Professor Laure Berti (IRD, France) is the recipient of the first short mobility grant. Laure visited the TALOS project in May 2024. Materials of the training organized by Laure.
PhD candidate from Nanjing University visit TALOS
Litao Lin, PhD candidate at Nanjing University will visit TALOS from August to November 2024-funding provided by Nanjing University. Project title: Organization and Application Model of Semantic Knowledge in Chinese Ancient Geography Text
PhD candidate from Nanjing University visit TALOS
Litao Lin, PhD candidate at Nanjing University will visit TALOS from August to November 2024-funding provided by Nanjing University. Project title: Organization and Application Model of Semantic Knowledge in Chinese Ancient Geography Text
Short mobility grant for PhD candidate
Laura Soffiantini, PhD candidate at KU Leuven, is the recipient of the second short mobility grant. Laura works on the geographic representation of Greece in Pliny the Elder’s Naturalis Historia. During her research stay in October 2024, Laura will explore the application of (semi-)automated techniques of textual analysis for semantic annotation.
Short mobility grant for PhD candidate
Laura Soffiantini, PhD candidate at KU Leuven, is the recipient of the second short mobility grant. Laura works on the geographic representation of Greece in Pliny the Elder’s Naturalis Historia. During her research stay in October 2024, Laura will explore the application of (semi-)automated techniques of textual analysis for semantic annotation.
Dr. Silvia Piccini, senior researcher is visiting TALOS Centre
Dr Silvia Piccini (Cnr-Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale “Antonio Zampolli”) is the recipient of the TALOS second short mobility grant. Silvia will visit the TALOS project in November 2024.
Dr. Silvia Piccini, senior researcher is visiting TALOS Centre
Dr Silvia Piccini (Cnr-Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale “Antonio Zampolli”) is the recipient of the TALOS second short mobility grant. Silvia will visit the TALOS project in November 2024.
PhD position for RT2 filled
The PhD position for Research Topic 2 (RT2) has been filled by Melissa Bergoffen, an archaeologist and information science specialist. She is scheduled to commence her doctoral project in the spring semester of 2025.
PhD position for RT2 filled
The PhD position for Research Topic 2 (RT2) has been filled by Melissa Bergoffen, an archaeologist and information science specialist. She is scheduled to commence her doctoral project in the spring semester of 2025.
Dr. Liu Hui (NUAA, Nanjing, China) is visiting TALOS for three months
Dr Liu Hui 刘翚 (Luisa), associate professor at the College of Foreign Languages, NUAA (Nanjing, China) is visiting TALOS and UoC (Rethymno) until the end of March. Dr. Liu’s research interests include AI-assisted terminology and translation studies. During her visit, Dr. Liu will deliver lectures on a collaborative project focusing on ancient philosophers from Greece and China and will work with TALOS members to organize a joint UoC-NUAA symposium scheduled for early March. This visit is funded by NUAA.
Dr. Liu Hui (NUAA, Nanjing, China) is visiting TALOS for three months
Dr Liu Hui 刘翚 (Luisa), associate professor at the College of Foreign Languages, NUAA (Nanjing, China) is visiting TALOS and UoC (Rethymno) until the end of March. Dr. Liu’s research interests include AI-assisted terminology and translation studies. During her visit, Dr. Liu will deliver lectures on a collaborative project focusing on ancient philosophers from Greece and China and will work with TALOS members to organize a joint UoC-NUAA symposium scheduled for early March. This visit is funded by NUAA.