Description of dataset:
This is version 1.0 of a dataset created in the context of a PhD thesis in “Semantic Annotation and Attic Oratory” that defines the primary legal proceedings in Classical Athenian courts c. 419 BC to 323 BC. A legal proceeding is defined as “a court dispute between two litigants, for which a forensic speech would be written”. This work draws upon the corpus of Attic oratory as well as The Law of Ancient Athens by David D. Phillips.
This dataset is authored by Rachel Milio (TALOS Ph.D. candidate, Department of Philology, University of Crete), under the supervision of Dr. Maria Papadopoulou (Department of Philology, University of Crete) and Prof. Christophe Roche (TALOS ERA Chair Professor, University of Crete).
The ontoterminology was created with Tedi ontoTerminology Editor for the creation and management of ontoterminologies. Tedi software platform is distributed by the University of Crete (free for academic use).
Download the RDF/OWL file; to view the ontology metrics import this file in Protégé open access ontology editor; to visualize the ontology import this file in VOWL .
The .rdf file is queryable via a SPARQL endpoint.
Onto-dictionaries of terms and proper names (html):
terms (english)
terms (ancient greek)
Download from Zenodo.
Metrics: Tedi: Number of concepts: 39 Number of terms: 80 RDF/Protégé: Axiom: 3,752 Logical axiom count: 1,879 Declaration axioms count: 72 Class count: 53 Object property count: 13 Individual count: 367 Annotation Property count: 34 Sub class of: 246 Disjoint Classes: 231 Object Property Domain: 12 Object Property Range: 12 Class Assertion: 486 Object Property Assertion: 892 Annotation Assertion: 1,779 Annotation Property Domain: 12 Annotation Property Range Of: 10
Suggested citation:
Milio, R., Papadopoulou, M., & Roche, C. (2024). Ancient Greek Oratory Ontology v.1.0 (1.0) [Data set]. Zenodo.
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