The current ontoterminology version 1.0 aims to model the Ancient Greek philosophers, their philosophical production and their spatial and temporal positioning. A previous version of the ontology has been developed in the context of the KELKIP Project (
The ontoterminology was created by Rafail Giannadakis (Department of Philology, University of Crete) under the supervision of Dr. Maria Papadopoulou (Department of Philology, University of Crete) and Prof. Christophe Roche (TALOS ERA Chair Professor, University of Crete).
Contributions and feedback are highly encouraged; please send suggestions to
This dataset was built with Tedi ontoTerminology Editor. Tedi ontoTerminology Editoris a software platform for the creation and management of ontoterminologies. Tedi software platform is distributed by the University of Crete (free for academic use).
Download the RDF/OWL file; to view the ontology metrics import this file in Protégé open access ontology editor; to visualize the ontology import this file in VOWL .
The .rdf file is queryable via a SPARQL endpoint. For the competency questions, SPARQL queries, and the dataset files visit Zenodo.
Ontodictionaries of terms and proper names (html):
terms (english): all person period place philosophical work philosophical school
terms (greek): all person period place philosophical work philosophical school
terms (chinese): all (under construction)
proper names (english): all person period place philosophical work philosophical school
proper names (greek): all person period place philosophical work philosophical school
proper names (chinese): all (under construction)
Metrics: Tedi: Number of concepts: 16 Number of objects: 937 Number of terms: 33 Number of proper names: 2131
RDF/Protégé: Logical axiom count: 16,169 Declaration axioms count: 1,012 Class count: 30 Object property count: 33 Data property count: 6 Individual count: 3,230 Annotation Property count: 36 Subclass Of: 61 Disjoint Classes: 43 Object Property Domain: 32 Object Property Range: 32 Data Property Domain: 6 Data Property Range: 4 Class Assertion: 4,209 Object Property Assertion: 10,997 Data Property Assertion: 779 Same Individual: 6 Annotation Assertion: 9,540 Annotation Property Domain: 12 Annotation Property Range Of: 10
Suggested citation:
Giannadakis, R., & Papadopoulou, M. (2024). Ontoterminology of Ancient Greek and Chinese Philosophers – version 1.0 (1.0) [Data set]. Zenodo.
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